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Confitrol24 Review - Confitrol24 Bladder Control Supplement Reviews

 Confitrol24 Bladder Control Supplement Reviews

Confitrol24 Review - Confitrol24 Bladder Control Supplement Reviews

Confitrol24 helps you take control of your bladder by strengthening muscle tone in your pelvic floor and sphincter on a cellular level. Our patented Urox proprietary blend of all-natural, bladder-controlling ingredients also increases collagen production which promotes anti-aging effects for bladder health and fighting-off bacterial infections.

  1. End Nagging Urges to Go
  2. Eliminate that Annoying Dribble
  3. Strengthen Your Bladder
  4. Diminish Embarrassing Leaks
  5. Reduce Bathroom Visits
  6. Sleep through the Night Without Interruptions
  7. Award-winning, 100% Natural & Doctor-Developed
Confitrol24™ is a Doctor-Developed Solution for Women Suffering from Overactive Bladder Symptoms.
If you’re sick and tired of:

Frantically sprinting to the bathroom... just to let out a few irritating drops
Constantly waking up to “go” in the middle of the night
Frequently feeling those annoying “urge to go”
Experiencing embarrassing leaks at the worst possible moments
Then it’s time to take control of your bladder…

And thanks to this doctor-formulated Urox proprietary blend in Confitrol24 it’s now possible!

So what makes Urox so special and how does it help you take control of your bladder?

Here’s the answer: Urox combines 3 natural ingredients that are clinically proven to tackle the root cause of bladder issues on a cellular level.

Each ingredient performs a specific task for strengthening your bladder so you can have peace of mind throughout your day without worrying about those embarrassing leaks, annoying urges to go, and frustrating trips to the bathroom at night.

The Urox Blend includes: Raw Horsetail, Cratevox®, and Lindera Aggregate

Research shows that Raw Horsetail strengthens your bladder’s connective tissues and muscle tone… which specifically helps diminish those embarrassing leaks.

Crevetox is a patented form of Crateva nurvala which is known for being a “miracle-worker” for the bladder.

Crevetox promotes elasticity of the bladder helping it expand and contract so you could finally put an end to that nagging urge to go every couple of hours.

And lastly, Lindera Aggregate is a powerful antioxidant that’s proven to prevent oxidative damage from occurring in the urinary system.

Lindera Aggregate also promotes an anti-aging effect on your bladder so you can enjoy the confidence and control you had during your youth.

So don’t delay…

Take control of your bladder and give Confitrol24™ a try today… you’ll be glad you did!

Each Nutrient is Clinically Proven to Benefit the Bladder and Help Give You More Control!
Urox® Clinical Trial Stuns Researchers at Queensland University

In 2013 the School of Medicine University of Queensland discovered something amazing for anyone suffering from bladder issues. 

You see, they wanted to find out if Urox® could help those who felt the “urgency to go” on a daily basis… experienced accidental leaks regularly… and had trouble sleeping through the night because they had to wake up to run to the toilet. 

So they gathered 150 participants who were suffering from these problems and performed an 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with Urox®. 

They split the participants into two groups... 

One received Urox® and the other received a placebo.

At the end of the 8 weeks, the researchers got back the results and their jaws almost hit the floor! 

You see, the participants had to keep a daily journal… log their daily trips to the bathroom… report their accidents… rate their urgency level… and document each time they were woken up at night to use the toilet. 

The researchers entered these results into a database and then performed a complicated statistical analysis.

Here’s what the researchers discovered…

The participants who received a placebo saw no significant improvement. 

That was expected… 

But, for those who were given Urox® for 8 weeks experienced:

  • Fewer bathroom visits during the day
  • Feeling a lot less urgency throughout the day
  • More peaceful sleep with fewer disturbances to go to the bathroom
  • Less embarrassing accidents

Ex Vivo Study Horsetail Demonstrate Antioxidant and Scavenging Activities!

Horsetail is a plant that could help eliminate free radicals which can damage your bladder.

Back in 2008 a study was performed analyzing the properties and effects of horsetail.

Researchers discovered horsetail demonstrated antioxidant and scavenging activities which could help protect and strengthen your liver.

Each Nutrient is Clinically Proven to Benefit the Bladder and Help Give You More Control!
Urox® Clinical Trial Stuns Researchers at Queensland University

In 2013 the School of Medicine University of Queensland discovered something amazing for anyone suffering from bladder issues. 

You see, they wanted to find out if Urox® could help those who felt the “urgency to go” on a daily basis… experienced accidental leaks regularly… and had trouble sleeping through the night because they had to wake up to run to the toilet. 

So they gathered 150 participants who were suffering from these problems and performed an 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with Urox®. 

They split the participants into two groups... 

One received Urox® and the other received a placebo.

At the end of the 8 weeks, the researchers got back the results and their jaws almost hit the floor! 

You see, the participants had to keep a daily journal… log their daily trips to the bathroom… report their accidents… rate their urgency level… and document each time they were woken up at night to use the toilet. 

The researchers entered these results into a database and then performed a complicated statistical analysis.

Here’s what the researchers discovered…

The participants who received a placebo saw no significant improvement. 

That was expected… 

But, for those who were given Urox® for 8 weeks experienced:

  • Less bathroom visits during the day
  • Feeling a lot less urgency throughout the day
  • More peaceful sleep with less disturbances to go to the bathroom
  • Less embarrassing accidents

Ex Vivo Study Horsetail Demonstrate Antioxidant and Scavenging Activities!

Horsetail is a plant that could help eliminate free radicals which can damage your bladder.

Back in 2008 a study was performed analyzing the properties and effects of horsetail.

Researchers discovered horsetail demonstrated antioxidant and scavenging activities which could help protect and strengthen your liver.


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